Tandem + Tiger

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Day 245: Rest day in Épernay

The Champagne capital

It' seemed a sensible place to have a rest day, so we’ve spent the day exploring a part of the vineyards in Champagne. We went on a trip to Beaunay with vigneron and winemaker Margot to see her vineyards and hear more about how they grow their grapes here. It was fascinatingly detailed and we learned a lot of new facts about how Champagne is produced. Most amazing was the amount of control Le Comité Champagne have, from decreeing what can and can’t be done in the vineyards to when the harvest should start in each area.

We have plenty to celebrate with our champagne. Sarina has a job with a winery in the south of England to work on their harvest, plus I have a job with Oracle confirmed, starting as soon as I’m back in the UK. Tiger is of course off to Huddersfield University, so we all have lives to go on with when we get back now — and it won’t be long before we’re there.

Margot showing us the grapes that have been damaged by the extreme heat of the last few weeks

Amongst Margot’s chardonnay vines

…plus a very French pique-nique

Les Frères Montgolfièr seem to be at it again