Tandem + Tiger

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Day 233: Yet another rest day in Turin

Another day hanging around in Turin

We spent a couple of hours working out how to send some stuff back to the UK. With the Alps our next challenge, getting as light as possible seemed like a good plan, so we sent two boxes of stuff home. All things we hadn’t been using or didn’t think we’d need again — the coffee maker (plenty of coffee around now), a head torch (you can use a phone), some clothes we weren’t using. All in all, about nearly eight kilos less to carry over the Alps in the next few days.

We also went to check out the car museum that’s been built by the old Fiat factory in Lingotto. You’ll have seen the building because it has a test tract on the roof and the drive the minis up and around it during the Italian Job. Iconic stuff. The first bit of the museum was very good, but tailed off a little.

The factory is so huge it is now being used as a whole lot of things. It’s an art gallery, a polytechnic, a student halls, a shopping mall and a hotel or two amongst other things. It’s not the most inspirational place — it’s a shame it’s a little wasted really, particularly the car ramp that spirals up to the roof.

The Fiat Lingotto factory

The spiral that allow a car to pass on to the next stage of the production process on the floor above, before finally emerging for a drive around the test tract on the roof

The BMW “Bubble Car”

A Goddess that can fly

Cinquecento - they had to have one here