Tandem + Tiger

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Day 219: Rest day in Trieste

The only photograph I took all day.

Trieste is a very nice city. It was, and is, a busy port and many of the grand buildings in the neoclassical quarter where we’re staying were related to shipping or insurance. It looks like there’s not so much going on in that department these days - but there are plenty of tourists around.

We’ve had an “admin” style rest day, with a bunch of things to tackle, most of which we failed to achieve.

We went looking for new tyres for our bikes but the local Schwalbe dealer had everything but the touring tyres we’re after. We tried to get a SIM card but after waiting for thirty minutes, even when our number came up the member of staff decided it would be easier to serve other people in front of us. Decided to give up rather than make a scene.

We did all our washing at the local laundrette (yay - laundrettes are back! We haven’t seen one since Thailand!), but even after a spin and one hour in the tumble dryer it was still soaking, so is now decorating our room and bathroom.

We managed to cook ourselves a nice meal of tortellini, pesto and salad though - with the most amazing breadsticks that won my heart from the moment I saw them, and the coffee is obviously really good here.

Sarina and I spent some time trying to ensure we have jobs once we’re back in the UK, which is obviously important too.

Now we head for Venice, where I will hopefully remember to take a few more photos.