Tandem + Tiger

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Day 175: Kavala to Asprovalta

Back in the swing

It’s great how refreshing a rest day can be. Watching the end of the Giro d’Italia it’s interesting to see how tired the riders are after three weeks riding six days per week... and then I think “we’ve been doing that for six months!” They don’t even have any panniers :-)

So, refreshed and rested we were lucky to miss the early morning rainstorm, with the weather staying sunny for the rest of the day.

Olive groves on one side...

Blue coves on the other

Our route took us along the old coastal highway, with olive groves and vineyards on one side and sandstone cliffs and blue water coves on the other. With a newer motorway running parallel there was very little traffic - perfect cycling territory. This was like northern Greece’s Great Ocean Road.

Lunch in a park by the beach

The animal rescue squad were pressed into action today with a tortoise trapped in the middle of the road. It appeared to have made it halfway and then taken fright and retreated into its shell whilst occasional cars and truck fly by on either side. Sarina to the rescue. Maybe that makes up for the family pet that failed to survive their attempts to bring it out of hibernation.

Tortoise rescue  

We’ve ended the day in a relaxed seaside town. It’s still pretty empty, the holiday season starts tomorrow apparently. For the moment it’s just us and a few groups of German tourists.

A byzantine tower

Proper seaside swimming beach